

New EP coming this summer

Currently we are working hard on our new EP which will be released this summer. It will contain 16 (!!) Tracks.Musically, we are relying on our proven stylistic elements:
Catchy melodies and clean vocals meet danceable beats with appropriately interspersed speech samples and cleverly placed electric guitars. For the first time the release will contain a track with german lyrics as well as the "fan version" of one of the new songs.


Fredrik Croona left Menschdefekt

We are currently looking for a new vocalist.After 15 years and 4 great albums with Fredrik Croona on vocals we have decided to go our separate ways.We are grateful for the amazing work Freddie has done for Menschdefekt and wish him all the best with his other projects!If you are interested in becoming a part of the Band, just drop a line on Facebook, Instagram or via E-Mail!



Get Recombination @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp

Our 4th studio album "Recombination" will be released November 25th, 2022.The album features ten brand new songs and four remixes on CD. On a playing time of no less than 77 minutes a mix of dark electro, trance sounds, distorted and even more clean vocals awaits you. The spectrum ranges from Synthpop and semi-ballads to dark electro and minimal 8-bit sounds.
With influences taken from different genres and moods, the use of guest vocals and the included remix works, the Sound-DNA on our new album changes again and the title says it all.
Join us on this journey through our recombination!

Empty World

Get Empty World @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp

We're proud to announce that our new studio album "Empty World" will be released June 19, 2020.The album features nine brand new songs and seven remixes on CD as well as a special treat: A track featuring Germany's most famous forensic biologist, Dr. Mark Benecke.Welcome to the new Menschdefekt - Enjoy the "Empty World"!


New album coming soon

The mastering process and album artwork are finished.
Our third album is ready to be sent to the pressing plant.
Stay tuned for further information about the artwork, tracklist and release date!


New digital single out now

Finally the new digital single "Cursed" was released by Infacted Recordings on May 8, 2020.

Get Cursed @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp


Menschdefekt are:
Nik R.: Music, Programming, Mixing
Fredrik Croona (until 2022): Vocals, Lyrics
Tandrin: Guitars, Mastering

Originally formed as a solo project by Nik in 2004 influenced by different genres such as Trance, FuturePop and others, the band’s sound is a fusion of Electro, Industrial and Goth with aggressive vocals that reflect their socially critical and provocative lyrics. As their namesake implies, their music focuses on topics of war, nationalism/ fascism, murder, consumer consumption and our wasteful society.Their success brought them to the attention of Infacted Recordings in Europe and Metropolis Records in North America who signed them to release their first full album, "The Human Parasite" in 2010. With "The Human Parasite", Menschdefekt has laid out its manifesto, and done so
with driving force.
After 4 years of silence , "Menschdefekt" was back again with their second release called "Touch of Madness" which will bring you a cavalcade of dance floor tracks with catchy melodies, fast beats and a lot of atmosphere. Everything has been updated and evolved since "The Human Parasite" and the sound is stronger and better than before. Expect to hear songs about a society on the brink of corruption and a dying human breed. 13 new unreleased tracks which will deliver a variety of styles in both songs and vocals. Expect everything from fast and hard to slow and atmospheric. A must have for all harsh electro lovers and fans of bands such as Grendel, Hocico, Suicide Commando or Combichrist.In the beginning of 2019 guitarist Tandrin (Mechanical Moth/Novastorm) joined the line-up and Menschdefekt started working on their third album.On May 8, 2020 Menschdefekt released their new digital single featuring a single version of the Song "Cursed" from the forthcoming 3rd album and Remixes by Ruined Conflict, Frame Of Mind, Reichsfeind and more.


♫♫♫ If tracklists don't show up, please reload page. ♫♫♫

Get Projekt Tremor @ Menschdefekts Bandcamp
Get The Human Parasite @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Vampirkiller Redux @ Menschdefekts Bandcamp
Get Touch Of Madness @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Cursed @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Empty World @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Empty World @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Cursed @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Cursed @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Recombination @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Cursed @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp
Get Cursed @ Infacted Recordings Bandcamp

Legal Notice

Verantwortlich im Sinne von § 5 TMG:Dominik RidderWilhelm-Strauß-Straße 2
41236 Mönchengladbach
Kontakt: menschdefekt@gmail.comHinweis gemäß Online-Streitbeilegungs-Verordnung:Nach geltendem Recht sind wir verpflichtet, Verbraucher auf die Existenz der Europäischen
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